Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sexy Results

I was at work this morning when a call came in.  As usual, I answered the phone professionally, in my non-sexy voice, stating a robust "Good morning!" followed by the company's name.

"Who may I ask is calling?" the woman on the other line said.

I was confused. LISTEN LADY, YOU CALLED ME, I wanted to say, but instead I went with "I'm sorry?"

"Oh . . ." There was some muttering on the other end of the line.  I was about to hang up, as I deal with a lot of this nature of phone fuckery at my job, but I decided to be nice.

"Who were you trying to reach?" I asked.

"I thought this was the phone sex line."

I hung up.


  1. And this is why your office needs Caller ID.

  2. why didn't you say "why yes it is I can give you sexy results"
